by Cody Clawson |
“Tim Fritson is a former student and it is so great to have him in the building. He is an excellent role model for students. He is the assistant track and cross country coach, so he is a good contact for the team. He is just a really great guy…despite the fact that he went to MU,” broadcasting teacher Anne Bertoldie said.
Q: What made you choose hall monitor?
A: “I’ve been a coach for four years and I recently left my previous job so it was a logical fit. I needed to get my foot in the door.”
Q: What do you do to pass time?
A: “When I am not asking about lanyards and passes I usually read. I also like to hold up locker 743 making sure it doesn’t fall over.”
Q: What is the best book in your opinion?
A: “I like the Hunger Games because the concept is something so foreign and yet the author makes it seem very relatable and plausible. Pair that with the suspense that runs throughout the series and all three books become very enrapturing.”
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: “I run a lot. My goal over the summer was to run 1000 miles from Memorial day to Labor day. I came up a little short at 943. I am going to try and qualify for Boston on December 4th.”
Q: Why did you start the Hall Monitor Memoirs?
A: “I started them because I thought it would be funny to chronical expriences I have. It is kind of a connection between me and the students.”
Q: What have the memoirs done for you?
A: “I feel like I have gotten to meet a lot of students and I hope it kind of opened a door for students and facuty to build regular people relationships.”