LHS Freshman experiencing AP classes for the first time and moving further into their future.
The newly arrived ninth graders put on their smarty pants and hop aboard the AP bandwagon for the first time in Liberty history. The freshman are now able to sign up for 1 AP class.
“It [AP classes] prepares us for college classes, it gives us college credits and we take the test at the end of the year,” freshman Sydney Scholes said.
“It’s a college credit right off the bat and so that’s a really good thing,” freshman Zach McKeever agreed. “And it’s going to be a lot cheaper than actually going to college for taking that course.”
There are some people who are getting the hang of the new [AP] classes here at LHS. McKeever said, “It’s just I mean I would have to face the reality then start AP anyway.”
But some of us in AP classes know the struggles and difficulties we faced while experiencing these obstacles.
“It has helped me a lot.” Cohalla said. “And being better at other classes, but yes because its still pretty hard to keep up with some of the things.”
“Sometimes it gets hard, but I think it’s going to be worth it.” Scholes said.
[AP Classes] are not easy for everyone, and the [freshman] are also experiencing transition from junior to senior high which makes their job more challenging.
“It’s [AP classes] pretty difficult because in junior high we didn’t have any homework,” McKeever said “And now it’s like a crazy transformation from junior high with no homework and then high school with a college level class and [to have] that much homework.”
And others like the challenge and difficulties of AP classes, but they deal with struggles also.
“It’s difficult with the reading each week, but it’s fun I like the difficulty.” Scholes said.
“it’s more of college courses thinking and based questions so it’s a lot more intellectual.” Emma Cohalla said.
But you cannot just get into AP just like that, [the freshman] last year had to take an important test to determine their fate.
“In my 8th grade year the teachers just asked me if I wanted to go into Honors or regular, and I just said AP,” McKeever said.
“I was just good last year during regular social studies classes so I guess I just got asked to be in their.” Cohalla said
“I was selected, I guess I got a letter,” Sydney Scholes said.
The U.S. History teacher Ellen Meade says she thinks it’s a good idea allowing Freshman to experience AP classes now.“Overall very well. I think any new class will start with a little trepidation from both the instructor and the students,” Meade said. “There are a lot of ‘unknowns’ and having to work by trial and error.” “
“I am a new AP instructor and therefore, do not have anything to base an opinion off of. I’ve heard mixed review from other experienced AP teachers. Some say the 9th grade brain is not yet ready to tackle such a rigorous class right out of junior high. Others say there are some very bright, motivated freshmen that can handle the challenge. Two months into the class is still early to judge how the AP students will do but I can tell you that some of these AP students are putting in incredible amounts of time and effort to create work and study habits that are showing promising results!”
“It is quite enjoyable working with whole classroom of students that genuinely care about their success in the class and are willing to put in work! That really makes a teacher’s job delightful. :So the answer is, yes!”