Photo by McKenna Hegger
To the those who are a part of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the club means very different things to each individual. From getting the opportunity to learn about higher education, to connecting with one’s Latin roots, LULAC has made a difference in many student’s lives. They meet every other Friday in room 406 to celebrate their individual cultures and plan for the future.
“For me this club is an opportunity for Hispanics to get help and go to college,” junior Carlos Esperanza said.
To many members of LULAC, learning about opportunities when it comes to scholarships and options for schooling beyond high school is the goal.
“This club used to really help Hispanic students go beyond high school, but now LULAC helps any student,” spanish teacher Astrid Ruiz said. “It started as an association for a certain ethnicity, but now it’s an all inclusive club.”
Despite your race or heritage, many members believe that anybody that wants to go beyond high school should join this club. LULAC aims to help students struggling with post-high school plans and which scholorships to apply for.
Ruiz revealed that LULAC works closely with Liberty North to provide a more enriching experience for those involved.
“We went to club night at Liberty North and we were making bracelets and dream catchers, we would let kids come up and make them themselves,” junior Michella Anaya said. “We would talk to the families and help the kids.”
LULAC used the fun activity to help an important cause that is very close to the hearts of the members.
“We just recently supported a program called ‘Girls On The Run’,” Anaya said. “It was a fundraiser and if we raised $20 we would send a girl from Guatemala to school for half the year.”
Making a difference and learning the impact that they have on daily life is something that many members said has left a lasting impression on them.
“LULAC sets us apart because we aren’t another Spanish club and we don’t have to constantly speak Spanish,” Anaya said. “We aren’t looking for any profit or benefit, we just want to cast an influence on other people.”
No matter what one is hoping to achieve by joining LULAC, there’s no denying that there’s something for everyone.
“It’s a very fun experience to get together with people of the Hispanic or non-Hispanic heritage because it’s something that we’re all interested in,” junior Catalina Lopez said.
“My favorite memory is when we got to walk in the Homecoming parade and we got to hold our flag,” Anaya said. “It was fun to see who knew us because people would come and say ‘hi.’ It was a lot of fun.”
The relaxed environment of the club has led to many of the members bonding.
“If you’ve never heard of LULAC, I would definitely encourage people to join,” Anaya said. “We’re very laid back and pretty small, but I think that’s the reason why we have that connection with each other and why we’re so close.”