What is your role in the counseling department?
“I am the counselor in charge of last names Db-HO. I’m also the liaison for the career centers and KC Tech Academy.”
What would you like to say to greet students for the upcoming school year?
“Welcome back and we have missed you!”
What advice would you give to students for the upcoming school year?
“School is going to feel a little bit different this year, at least for a little while. But I think it’s helpful to remember that we are all in this together! It’s ok for students to feel a little nervous about returning. It’s going to take some time getting used to our “new normal.”
How would you advise students to handle the changes regarding COVID-19 for the upcoming school year?
“I think it’s really important for students to take care of themselves both physically and mentally in order to deal with the changes. It’s important to learn whatever stress management techniques work for you. Take some time each day to relax and do something you enjoy. Listen to your favorite music, go for a walk outside, spend some time with your family pet, laugh with your friends etc. Students cope best when they get plenty of rest and eat healthy foods. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are feeling stressed. Sometimes people feel like they are alone but everyone feels anxious during uncertain times.”
What changes should students be aware of for the upcoming school year?
“There are a lot of changes this year. Some students will be learning all online and others will only be here a few days a week. It’s important to pay attention to announcements and to check your school email regularly so you don’t miss out on important items.”
What should students do if they are struggling academically this year?
“Communication is key, don’t be afraid to reach out to teachers. We are all in this together and everyone wants students to be successful. Take advantage of any opportunities you have to ask questions if you are not understanding the material. The best thing students can do is stay on top of their assignments. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed so try and stick to a routine and study schedule every day of the week.”
How can students do their part to make LHS a better place next year?
“Everyone will need to wear their “patience pants” as Dr. Adams says! This is a change in our normal routine for everyone in the building but we are adaptable and we are all going to be ok. I think if we can just be patient and kind to one another, that goes a long way.”
As the career center counselor, what changes should students be expecting in that area?
“Most of the career centers will be running their programs as usual. But like everything, it’s a situation that could change at any moment.”
How will COVID-19 change how the career center looks next year?
“The career centers will be working with students to ensure the best experience possible. Depending on the program and location, each experience might look a little different from last year but it will be just as great.”
How should students be prepared for virtual learning?
“I think for both virtual and hybrid learning, students should try and stick to a regular routine. That means getting up at the same time each morning and preparing for their learning that day. Students will need to be patient with themselves and their teachers as they learn what works best for them and their situation. Have an organizational system where you can keep track of your assignments. Try not to put off assignments which can cause additional stress. Make sure you as a student know how to contact your teacher should you need extra help. Some students seem to do best if they can come up with a “to do” list for each day one week at a time. That way they can set goals for the week and pace themselves on assignments.”
How should students be prepared for hybrid learning?
see above 🙂
Anything else you want to add/inform students about/ say for the 2020-2021 school year?
“We are excited to “see” you again whether that be virtually or in the building. We are here to support you and we are in this together!”
For more information go to https://www.lps53.org/lhs and click the counseling tab, or look at the back to school information slide also on the Liberty High school website.