On Friday, September 6, StuCo revealed this year’s Homecoming theme after a long wait. Unfortunately, a wave of confusion hit the student body. StuCo members have been receiving worried questions and want to offer an explanation for this year’s theme: Sweet Southern.
Despite StuCo’s hard work, students are concerned after the initial unveiling of the theme.
“My first impression was good-god what have we come to. My second thought was ‘I have a straw hat to wear,” Senior Melissa McKlay said.
Certain StuCo council members would like to reassure the student population.
“You don’t have to wear overalls,” senior class officer Serena Baker said. “Please don’t show up to the dance in overalls.
You didn’t show up in leotard for last year’s Olympic theme! I like to think of the decorations steering more towards a barn wedding. It will be classy, and stay elegant.”
Senior executive officer Kaylie Botello agreed, she said.
“I want people to know that each student council member is doing their best. Homecoming is so much more than throwing up decorations, and playing music,” Botello said. “I want people to know that I personally try my best to include everybody’s ideas.
Many students are remaining positive.
“I don’t usually even go to school dances but I think it’ll be a new take on homecoming,” senior Sarah Macklay said. I look forward to see how it plays out.”
Work on this year’s Homecoming is already underway.
“Student council has already divided itself into large groups in order to tackle all of the homecoming events,” Botello said.
One group’s job is to prepare for the Homecoming royalty.
“All of the royalty crowns are chosen!” Junior class vice president Mary Mwaura said.
“We’ve spent every day after school making posters, and we already have days set for decoration creation,” senior class secretary Emily Moore said. “Plus, there might be delicious carnival food.”
One StuCo advisor is not concerned.
“Honestly I haven’t heard much,” StuCo advisor Marla Badalucco said. ”I think everyone is okay with it. Usually when you don’t hear about it it’s a good sign.”
Baker offered students one clue.
“My hint to the student body is… ‘Footlooseish’,” Baker said.
StuCo members offered students hints about Homecoming in Southern terms.
“It’s gonna be sweeter than sweet tea and pecan pie,” Botello said.