Invasion of the Elves

Singing and dancing elves at a car dealership is not a typical Christmas scene… Unless you are part of the thespians troupe.
“The thespian troupe has been contacted by Gary Crossley Ford in Liberty to be a part of special events like the Christmas promotions in December,” senior Anna Davis said.
On December 13 and 20, LHS’s thespian troupe will be playing the part of singing elves.
“Basically [we] dress up and we go down to the dealership and walk around and talk to customers, and we sort of entertain them while they’re trying to find a car,” freshman Molly Day said.
This will be the second time the troupe had gone to car dealership. The troupe was asked to volunteer for approximately six hours during the Halloween season to help raise money for the theater department and promote the holiday specials at Gary Crossley.
“During Halloween, Gary Crossley contacted us and had people go out dressed like zombies and the they invited us back,” sophomore Corben Phillips said.
The people at Gary Crossley appreciated having the troupe willing to dedicate their time to help.
“The people from Gary Crossly enjoyed our presence and our ability to volunteer in such a unique way,” Davis said. “They decided to continue coming back to us for their special promotions.”
The last time the troupe volunteered, they received $500 for the theatre department.
“Gary Crossley has generously offered to donate money to our thespian troupe and theatre program,” Competitive Theatre and Forensic Coach Michael Turpin said.
A majority of the students are going to be caroling elves because of their love for music.
“[I picked caroling] because I enjoy singing and it will give me a chance to interact with people,” Phillips said.
“I love theatre and choir so this is a perfect time to do two things I love at the same time,” Davis said.
The club is mainly for the students who love and are in the theater productions at LHS. The students are responsible for organizing, fundraising and promoting all of the productions.
They meet once a week on Tuesdays, Liberty Hour B, to organize fundraisers and creating the programs for the upcoming shows.
“Thespians is a club of kids who do what they can to get done for the theatre,” junior Josh Munden said.
The majority of students in the club are in most of the shows. The club allows students to have extra time to devote to their passion, as well as learn the business side of theatre. They also get the chance to be with friends who share the same passion of theatre.
“I love working closely with the theatre department and even more having the opportunity to go out into the community,” Davis said.
There are many opportunities of leadership positions. As a group, the leaders work together to come up with events for the troupe to do and help organize fundraisers.
“We have a board of 5 members and then 5 representatives,” Davis said. [There is] one [representative] for the senior, junior, and sophomore classes. [There are] two representatives for the freshman class.”
The thespian troupe is a very welcoming group and anyone is able to join.
“The thespian troupe looks forward to making a difference in the school and to extending arms into the community,” Davis said.