Freshman Ice Cream Social

The freshman class rushed and raced into the Auxiliary Gym during advisory for their celebratory ice cream social on November 18.
“I enjoyed spending time with my friends that I don’t see at school often,” freshman Camryn Harris said.
It was a great time for freshman to eat dessert and socialize during advisory.
“I really enjoyed having the opportunity to have a good time with my friends and being able to have ice cream during the school day,” freshman Jacob Marquis said.
The Link Crew is eager to make the high school more welcoming towards freshman.
“From previous experience, sometimes freshman feel left out of the fun things that go in the high school, so Link Crew tries to sponsor events and activities throughout the year that are specifically geared toward our 9th graders and give them something to look forward to as well,” Link Crew sponsor Mr. Gillespie said. “Hopefully the freshman enjoyed getting to spend time hanging out with their friends, being served by the upperclassmen, and eating some good ice cream!”
It was a bit crowded but still enjoyable.
“Overall, it was a pretty good experience, except for the fact that everyone was in one place and there was a lot of people so it was claustrophobic,” freshman Macey Kern said.
The future looks bright and delicious for more upcoming ice cream socials.
“I thought the event was a huge success, but I think in the future we’ll try and do it in a larger area with better seating, such as the Commons/Cafeteria. We could also consider doing it outside if the weather’s nice,” Gillespie said.