Campaign for Change
A student led campaign that could save lives.

There have been 65 school shootings in 2018 as of October 4, according to CNN. There is no surprise there has been an outcry from students for new safety procedures at LHS. The solution to this issue is a safety campaign called “See Something. Say Something,” inspired by the national Homeland Security campaign. The high school leadership team knew something had to be done when students starting approaching them with concerns about current safety standards.
“The more people we have thinking about safety and promoting safety the better off we all are,” LPS Director of Safety and Security Gary Majors said. “Creating a culture of safety is the most productive way to keep us all safe.”
Although students may not have heard much about this campaign now, just wait because starting second semester the Breakfast Club will advertise this campaign using interactive promotions such as raffles, posters, videos and more.
The Breakfast Club has decided to take on the big task of pushing this campaign out to students.
“One of the many goals for this campaign is to make students more aware of their surroundings, let students know the importance of reporting suspicious activity, and potentially helping and even preventing a dangerous situation,” Breakfast Club Co-chairman junior Jeffery Taylor said.

As a club, they chose to steer away from the traditional safety lessons from the past, such as lectures, guest speakers and informative videos. The Breakfast Club wanted to teach students information in an innovative way.
“Instead of saying ‘don’t do this,’ we plan on teaching you why not to do this,” senior Lauren Tali said. “We also plan to teach the effects that certain decisions can have, not only on yourself but on the people around you.”
Not only is the Breakfast Club striving to solve current and upcoming safety concerns at LHS, but also recurring issues, like bullying.
“Another goal is to empower students to stop and report acts of bullying,” Majors said. “A large number of students who have made tragic choices that led to school violence have reported that were bullied by peers and felt alone and helpless. Letting fellow students know that they are not alone and that if they are being bullied that it is not okay can go a long way in helping everyone.”
Although there are safety reporting resources provided to students at LHS such as Sprigeo, Breakfast Club Co-chairman Madi Borrum hopes this campaign will be different.
“Instead of simply reporting dangerous activity, this campaign will hopefully support students in their process of making both safe and smart decisions,” senior Madi Borrum said.