Controversy arises over e-hallpass among students and faculty.

The new e-hallpass and Flextime Manager systems received mixed reviews from both students and staff. Sheri Rodgers is a part of the security team and spends her day helping students during FLEX. She is a big advocate of this new system and believes it will help students in the long run.

“It’s going to be a great thing if we can get everyone on board with using it, so we need all of our teachers and staff and our students to feel comfortable,” Rodgers said. “We need students to get it on their phones, so they can show where they’re supposed to be,”

The difficulty arises when she and others noticed it is missing a few destinations that aren’t where kids want to go. If a student wants to go to the vending machines, the Nest, or water fountains, there isn’t a location on the hall pass so it puts faculty in the difficult decision of whether to let them go, but the location troubles aren’t the only part that students are complaining about. Senior Blake Codding speaks for the student side of the argument.

“Oh, very negative, very, very, negative reactions. I mean, I’ve talked to many students and teachers. It’s all gone downhill. Nobody likes the new system,” Codding said.

A recent poll showed that out of the 99 responses, 86% of people said they preferred the old system. Faculty members believe it’s helpful and the system will last for a long time, while upperclassmen and even some underclassmen believe that the system won’t last.

“Personally, in the most respectful way, I think it is very pointless. I feel as if other students aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do, like wandering the halls and skipping class, I don’t see why that has to affect every other student that’s doing what they are supposed to do. But that being said, if I don’t agree with something I will still cooperate, even if it’s not ideal,” Danner said.

Danner, among 86% of other students, are upset because they feel as if they are being punished for others’ actions. Students who are going straight to the bathrooms and not wandering, feel as though it is an invasion of privacy.

“We’re going to know where our students are and so can locate a student and if someone tells us they’re in flex and we have them show us their e-hallpass, we know if they’re supposed to be out in the hall or not so that’s a real advantage is knowing where all of our students are,”Rodgers said.

While students may not love the new system, they are cooperating. Rodgers said that faculty have received mixed reviews on the system, but for the most part like how they know where their students are in the building and that everybody is staying safe. Everyone might not agree on the answer, but the system is here to stay, implementing new routines for both the student body and faculty.