The LPS College Fair was Tues, Sept. 12, 2023 in both the Cokely Gym and the Blackbox. It hosted 81 colleges including big universities such as Mizzou, smaller colleges like William Jewel, each military branch and apprenticeship opportunities, including: construction, roofing and painting. All counseling department lead the event, along with many other support staff.
“The College Fair is a great place for students and their parents to talk about where they should go after they graduate high school,” said counselor Nikki Duncan.
The fair was flooded with the sounds of conversation between students, parents and colleges about what it’s like at the school, where it is and what it offers.
“I think the College Fair is important because it showcases many colleges that many people don’t know about or didn’t know had a major in what they’re interested in,” said junior Aidan Larson.
It took an hour and a half for cokely and the blackbox to get all set up for the fair. The janitors were a big help with getting all the tables out and setting up each station.
“I used the College Fair as a place to find colleges with a good Marine Biology program that is somewhere either on the East coast or nearby,” said sophomore Delaney Merrill.
The event was inundated with colleges from the Midwest, but also had colleges from states like on separate ends of the country, like Mississippi, Colorado and Minnesota.
“We have been working on the college fair since last May, getting all the colleges to come, setting up a time and figuring out where the fair would work bes,” Duncan said.
Cokely gym and The Blackbox were packed with students, parents, counselors and colleges for the fair. Many students got help figuring out what they wanted to do after highschool with the help of the fair.
The LPS College Fair for next year isn’t planned yet but the counselors can’t wait to start planning it and make it even better than last year. If you have ideas to make the fair better make sure to interview your counselors.