by Amanda Kovac |
The best thing about Twitter is the community it creates. There are so many diverse types of people on Twitter, but even so, they all find a way to bond together. Now LHS has its own way to bond on Twitter. In the past year, Liberty Twitter accounts like Liberty Love, Liberty Poops, Liberty Meh and Some More Love have popped up out of the blue. I feel that Liberty Twitter accounts, despite some negative reviews, are a great thing for our school.
One of my favorites is Liberty Love because I can see people I know and think, “Wow, that’s so true.” Not only has this account been a big hit, but some students in Kearney set up their own Love account because they loved the positivity that it was bringing to Liberty. I have heard not one, but many times, about how great Liberty Love is for saying so many nice things about students at our school. “I had been wanting to start a positive Liberty-themed account for a while, and then the rude Instagram account came out a few days before the school year started and I knew it was time to finally get some love into our community.” Love said. For me, this statement really shows how great of an idea the Liberty Love account was.
Other Liberty Twitter accounts are not so positive, but people can still relate. Liberty Meh started as a joke between two friends and was a local Twitter hit almost overnight. They touched on all the things Liberty residents wonder about, but never talk about. “A few people thought it [Liberty Meh] was stupid, but this is something everyone knows but doesn’t say, like how are there so many elementary schools in Liberty, or do we really need another bank? And why is our monumental water fountain broken?” the account creators said. I found these comments hilarious because it is the truth and nothing but the truth. They were just the sort of sarcastic, cynical humor that I love.
With accounts like Liberty Poops, and the ever controversial Liberty Problems, I think that they are over-exaggerated. However, there has to be an account for the pessimists of Liberty to appreciate and use to pass the time until they can get out of town.
The main idea of a Liberty Twitter account is to have something for people to relate to, and all of the Liberty Twitter accounts have accomplished this. I think a town Twitter account is a great idea and can bring people closer together, but I do think there is a point when things can get out of hand. The Liberty Twitter accounts we have now are great, but I do not think there should be any more than this. These sweet, funny, sarcastic, slightly exaggerated Twitter accounts are more than just for the birds.