When you go home after a long day of school and just want a little entertainment, you go on your new laptop to see what’s new on Tumblr. But you are horrified to find that sad screen that tells you it’s blocked.
Have you ever had this happen to you?
I find it difficult to stay on task with my computer in front of me, but I suppose the blocked websites are supposed to help with that. We all have to admit; some of the websites that are blocked are just inconvenient.
I can understand why things would be blocked because they qualify as adult, but I don’t find it very fair that we can’t get onto social networking sites like Facebook or Tumblr when we get home. It’s nice to unwind and see what’s new on your friend’s wall when you get done with all your work for the day or want to kill some time during liberty hour.
Our district blocked all these websites for our own safety and to help us on task during class so we can get a good education.
The District blocked these websites though to keep students from watching pornography on their laptops or to keep students from cyber bullying each other, which has become a major problem in a lot of schools and in the United States altogether.
A few times students have been able to go home and get onto blocked websites without having to be a brainiac and hack the firewall, but now when students try to get onto Netflix or Facebook they get greeted by that sad little page again that crushes their social networking dreams. There’s a district filter that will be up all the time now and it looks for certain adult subjects or explicit images.
So really, all this blocked websites complaints really just make you look greedy and winey because all of this was for our own protection and education.