Is Cyberbullying a problem?

Is cyberbullying a problem?
28 think it’s a problem
2 don’t think it’s a problem
At one point in a student’s life they are going to experience bullying, whether it be physical or verbal. It might happen directly to you or a friend. It might happen at school or home. With the rise of technology, bullying is evolving alongside it, now many cases of bullying are cyberbullying. The staff defined cyberbullying as intentionally trying to hurt someone or make them feel bad using technology.
Anyone can be a victim, ranging from athletes to artists. It takes place on many different platforms like a text message, a tweet, or even a hurtful photo. Many staff members from various groups in the school have been cyberbullied.
The Bell discussed the causes of cyberbullying, it could be to sabotage a person, to get more followers on social media, or to satisfy their peers. There are mild cases and severe cases with variety of victims and bullies.
The Bell agreed this happens at LHS on a regular basis. Unfortunately cyberbullying can be hard to detect, depending on the damage. An insult to a student could be seen as a harmless joke by teachers, parents, or fellow students. It is important for a student to speak up about this issue if it hurts them.
One member of the Bell Staff brought up the effect of bullying. Students cope with issues differently than others. Some students could ignore it or be affected by the bully for a very long time.
The Bell Staff also brought up there are various causes of cyberbullying, maybe the football team lost and a one specific player is blamed, maybe someone had a bad hair day, and maybe someone fell down the stairs. You may not think it is a problem until it happens to you, anyone is vulnerable.
The recent addition of student laptops was also discussed. The staff couldn’t put the blame on laptops alone because many students already have access to social media through smartphones and computer access at home. But just having technology doesn’t mean bullying will happen, it’s the user who determines whether technology is used for good or evil.
A near 100% of the Bell Staff agree cyberbullying is a problem at LHS. One staff member even smartly said, “If it happens to only one person one time, it’s a problem.” With bullying anyone at anytime can be a victim. If you have been cyber bullied don’t be afraid to speak up.