The “Sage” Sage

In my family, I have a brother, a sister, a mom and a dad. Everyone in my family is unique in their own way but for this column, only my older sister, Emily, deserves all the attention.
After high school, Emily moved down to Florida to live with our grandma, then with her fiancé. However somewhere between the end of high school and now, she discovered the spiritual world.
My sister likes the spiritual side of things, fortune telling, tarot cards and especially sage. My sister loves sage. She recently flew in for Christmas to visit, but of course before she left, she sprinkled sage around the house to protect it from the pesky little spirits that may be lurking.
Once she took me to a pseudo science store and right off the bat, I was interested. They had shelves full of cool looking dragons and Egyptian stuff. Then I walked around the store and saw crystals, scented herbs, bowls that made UFO noises and a real magic kit. I think it was the magic kit that got to me because one of the kits was money-focused and allowed you to summon money. I didn’t like the impact this could have on the economy, so right then and there, I left the pseudo-science stuff to my sister.
Sage is probably my sister’s go-to form of spiritual inspiration, but she likes to meditate with fancy candles too. I think the candles let spirits connect with people because ghosts only like name-brand candles with a high price tag or maybe it’s the scent of lavender.
I have no problem with pseudo-science or spiritual contact, you can believe what you believe and I won’t think less of you. You could worship a box with nothing in it for all I care, just be yourself, I just think pseudo-science is very unique.
As far as I know, that is the extent to my sister’s unique activities. She has told me she is trying to learn how to read tarot cards, so take that with a grain of sage. I love my sister, I really do. She made growing up fun and I wouldn’t take that back, but she’s distinct from the rest of my family. No matter what happens though, I will always love my one and only sister, Emily Ann Wilson.