Double Sided

There are at least two sides to every person. There’s a part of us everyone shows, acting like everything is ok. But there’s also a part of us that not many see. That one maybe a depressing side that I know I try to hide.
Mental health is way more important to me than physical health (sorry every PE teacher ever). I know so many people who have struggled with depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues for a majority of their lives. And as high schoolers, I’d guess the majority of us have something to that degree, myself included.
Society seems to push us to think that mental health issues are just a way to get attention, especially on social media. As the assembly guest speaker said, everyone seems to be looking for more likes and followers; sometimes it ends up spinning out of control.
Another problem is the pressure of school. From experience I can tell you, they’re very wrong. Depression can be caused from a small thing such as failing a test. Most people don’t realize it’s as simple as that to kill one’s self-esteem. It creates a completely different mindset.
I have suffered from depression and verbal abuse since I was in sixth grade. If you’ve met me, you know I’m the most bubbly, energetic person. You see the public side of me. I’ve learned to love myself and appreciate who I am through music and writing. My sophomore year of high school I made the KC Metro All-District Mixed Choir. To me, that was the first time I actually felt I succeeded in something and had talent. That is the reason I sing to this day. I actually feel like I’m good enough for something.
Yes, I still struggle with depression and verbal abuse, but I’ve learned ways to feel better about myself and trust that everything will be ok. Friends are there for you and they do care. We all have our problems. So instead of just thinking about ourselves and our own problems, remember other people are struggling. We should be positive to one another instead of putting each other down, especially when we may not see both sides of a person.