Adiós Athletes
Senior athletes share their favorite stories from their athletic career.

Owen Mulcahy – Tennis
The team was losing 0-3, and the first team to five points won. Owen Mulcahy and his tennis team had never beaten Rockhurst High School, but he knew all the constant improvement and work put in would help the team win. Their coach, Andy Schneider, rallied them to get their confidence back, saying ‘they are no better than us’ and ‘we are capable of winning.’ Despite their past struggles, the tennis team had pulled ahead and into the lead. The game had been one of the busiest Mulcahy had experienced in his four years of playing, so it had excited him. With a win against Rockhurst on the team’s record, it felt as though a huge goal had been completed for the team. “I played them my freshman year,” Mulcahy said. “It felt like a huge weight was released off my head that had been nagging me for years.” Schneider was proud of all the seniors and former players that had taken part in helping beat Rockhurst.

Will Foust – Golf
Students, parents, and caddies crowded the sidelines to see the Liberty school district rivalry take place. People watched silently as then junior Will Foust took a breath in and out to calm his nerves. “I was feeling a little bit nervous during the match because there were a lot of people there watching,” senior Will Foust said. Everyone’s eyes watched the golf ball as it slowly rolled down the perfectly cut, green grass. It was the second good putt of the day, and if he kept it up, he’d be able to help the team beat Liberty North in their annual match. “Everyone circles that date on their calendars, they look forward to it all year,” Foust said. “We always practice, but have more time on the range than usual because we really want to beat North.” Foust reached for his golf ball and moved on to the next hole. The air was cold and wet, but the Blue Jay golfers still continued to focus, especially Foust. “Will doesn’t back down, nor does he ever quit when faced with adversity,” coach Jason Carr said. “He provides a great example of what hard work and dedication looks like to all his teammates. It’s been fun having him on the team over the years and he will be missed.”

Meredith George – Soccer
The Texas summer heat was getting to senior Meredith George; she knew it was getting to everyone else on the field as well, but she was not going to let it keep her from winning. She had confidence they could beat their rival once more. George and the rest of her soccer team all had built up nerves, and yet the excitement they had when playing was still mutual. Her and others remember this match fondly. “She did a tremendous job covering one of the best strikers in the nation,” coach Goran Karadjov said. “I remember a couple of times she was isolated with one of the best and I knew she would take care of it. She was winning left and right.” A whole seven years had been used to prepare for nationals. Each practice was training to get to where they were that day. Normal practice five days a week, scrimmaging on the weekends, and tournaments during the summer. All this work added up to winning a 2nd place trophy at nationals.

Tasia Saxton – Track
Just as they crossed the finish line, that was the end. One of the last times the last season’s 4×4 relay team of senior Kaitlyn Lewis, senior Maddie Hill, senior Kate Minette, and junior Tasia Saxton would run together. “One of the girls had been on a couple of other relays and was just getting tired,” Coach Pamela Koch said. “Tasia was one of the first alternates. She actually ran on the 4×4 and she ran a position that she doesn’t normally run. She normally runs 2nd leg. Every runner has something that they have to do in their leg, she normally runs number three or four, but she was placed at 2. She was running in a position she normally didn’t run, but Tasia did well and they finished 3rd.” The seniors girls were graduating soon, so for Saxton, cherishing the time they had together was important. “When I was a freshmen, I made varsity and I became close with the older kids. Last school year was their last year, and we knew it was going to be really emotional when it came time for the season to end, ” senior Tasia Saxton said. “I just remember that it took a long time for them for the points to be calculated. We were just sitting on the track playing this running game. All the girls were just having a fun time.” Things were bittersweet, but mostly sweet for Saxton because she ran the replay with people she had become so close with. “Running itself isn’t the most fun, it’s the moment after that’s fun. I run for the feeling I get afterwards,” Saxton said.

Evan Streich – Track
The baton smacked senior Evan Streich’s palm as his arm reached behind him. His fingers gripped tightly around the metal as he sprinted. This was a race against the clock. “When I ran, I was actually kind of scared and nervous knowing I definitely wasn’t the fastest out there since it was State,” Streich said. “Knowing that I was next to people that probably have been at State before and have more experience.” Streich watched on the side as the Liberty Blue Jays placed 3rd in 4×4 relays. This was what they spent their afternoons practicing for. The countless aches, pains and sore muscles were beyond worth it. “Grant Houston was in the 4×1 and his parent’s scheduled a cruise for State weekend, so Evan was the alternate on that relay,” coach Dan Davies said. “Evan was great, he was fast, everything was perfect. They gave him the chance to run, so we came in the first day and we made finals. We didn’t get a great position, we got 7th place. The next day we go into finals and because we got 7th we got lane two, which isn’t the fastest lane, there’s a lot of turning. It’s the place you don’t want to be.” They finished strong with the fastest time of the year, 42.52 seconds. “State was a great experience because we got to spend all our time as a team. We had a fun time hanging out and messing around together. It was great to be with a group of people working towards one goal,” Streich said.

Braxton Bragg – Baseball
It was the second to last inning, the score was 1-0 with Liberty in the lead majority of the game. A Blue Jay was on third base and senior Jordan McClellan was up to bat. Blue Jay fans from all over the city came to see the rival teams Liberty and Liberty North play in the District championship Family, friends and alumni filled the North baseball stands. “The atmosphere was crazy, there was a ton of people and everyone was yelling. It was a great time,” senior Braxton Bragg said. The pitcher threw the ball in a swift motion. The sound of McClellan ’s metal bat connecting with the baseball rang out. The hit left just enough time for the Bluejay on third to sprint to home and bring the score to 2-0. The Blue Jays continued to play defensively and kept the score at 2-0. The Blue Jay pitcher threw to the Eagle at bat, and the ball smacked the Eagle’s bat. The Liberty pitcher raised his glove and snagged the ball mid-air. The Blue Jays had just won the rivalry game. Players sprinted out of the dugout, ran towards the mound and leaped into chest bumps. The mound filled with Liberty players celebrating their victory and new title as district champions. “I just remember after the game the excitement the boys had because they worked hard whole year. It was great to be able to win and get the satisfaction that the hard work paid off,” coach Vince Armilio said.