Have you always wanted to be a nurse?
“When I became a nurse, yes. Since I came to Liberty it’s been the best job I’ve ever had.”
What’s the greatest thing about working here at Liberty?
“This is going to sound really crazy- the kids. Just watching the kids change, and grow and mature and go on to bigger and better things.”
What is one of the craziest things that has ever happened at the high school?
“Probably, but it doesn’t have to do with the kids. It has to do with the district and the school altogether. When my husband had a horrible accident. The support and all the things that people did to help us while he was hurt. It was just amazing. I just think the whole school district is amazing.”
Where did you go to high school and college and what is your favorite memory from there?
“I went to high school on the West Coast, and I attended college on the West Coast. I had a 65 Mustang fastback; it was black with glass-packs, red leather interior and a stick shift. (Did you drive fast?) The answer is yes, probably.”
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
“Well I’d have to stay here only because my grandkids are here. If my grandkids could come with me, probably Ruidoso, New Mexico. I’ve been there maybe twice. There are no beaches actually, there’s horse racing and mountains. And I love that stuff because we raise racehorses. We breed and raise them on the racetrack. And Ruidoso New Mexico is where the All-American Futurity I held.”
What were your hopes and dreams as a little girl?
“I wanted to compete in the Olympics as a gymnast. I did gymnastics all through grade school, junior high and high school. I considered myself to be pretty good!”