Daryl Gichui, Adds Manager
Senior Daryl Gichui, the self proclaimed ‘food guy’, has been The Bell’s Ad manager for the past three years. Since his freshman year, Gichui has followed his passion for writing and was quickly offered a leadership position due to his organization and passion for The Bell. “I really like writing and when the seniors from the newspaper came to my class in eighth grade, they said, ‘Being in newspaper will help you improve your writing, we’ll have fun and there will be food’ and the food was one of the key things as well as practicing my writing,” Gichui said. When the upbeat Gichui isn’t working with the newspapers advertisements and drawing our cartoons, he’s often out running.
“I really enjoy running because it’s all about what you put into it,” Gichui said. “There’s a whole other lifestyle to running to follows anything else that you do.” He often uses the dedication and perseverance for things such as his job, weight training and how he eats. He hopes that his protege that follows him will believe in putting in effort and staying dedicated as well.
“I want someone that will be able to do things without being told,” Gichui said. “There are some things that I do on my own that Oyler doesn’t need to keep track of, so it’s a matter of making sure that whoever comes after me will be able to handle the work.” After Gichui’s chapter in high school draws to a close he plans on becoming a civil engineer, and with his responsibility and kindness it’s hard to think of someone better for the job.