The governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, visited LHS on Tuesday, September 3, during 5th hour classes to congratulate the district on academic accomplishments, discuss the importance of higher education and the advantages the A+ program gives Missouri schools.
Governor Nixon delivered a speech to LHS administration, along with the 5th hour government and debate classes, and local tv news stations. Overall, there was a crowd of about 50 people.
According to Governor Nixon”s office, Liberty scored an impressive 93.6 percent on the 2013 Missouri School Improvement Program Annual Performance Report. And also, LHS has attendance rates and a percentage of graduates who go onto a higher education institution that are above the state average, according to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
During his speech, Nixon emphasized the importance of a college education.
“No matter what you are interested in, chemistry or creative arts, calculus or P.E., agriculture or accounting, a college degree is the pathway to a lifetime of greater opportunities, higher earnings, and more rewarding career choices,” Nixon said. “That is why my administration has worked hard from day one to ensure a college degree is an affordable option for all Missouri families.”
Nixon is a enormous supporter of the A+ program offered to Missouri schools. Nixon and his administration played a leading role to hold down the rise in tuition costs, which is an area where Missouri as a state excels. He does everything he can to make college affordable through programs such as A+. In January, Gov. Nixon set a goal of giving every student in the state the opportunity to earn an A+ scholarship. Today, 99 percent of Missouri’s public school students are eligible to earn A+ Scholarships.
“Having the governor visit LHS was really cool and hearing him give a speech in our library was a neat experience,” junior Miranda Howland said. “He spoke a lot about the A+ program, and how well our school is doing on state tests, with attendance and going on to college. In other words, I guess Liberty is just kind of awesome.
Liberty students continue to lead our state in higher test scores and graduates that go on to higher education. During the speech Governor Nixon also reminded students of the upper hand they have when it comes to post high school education.
“By making new investments in higher education, providing record funding for our K-12 classrooms and helping more kids achieve the dream of college through the A+ program, we are continuing to make sure that every Missouri child has access to a quality education,” Gov. Nixon said. “For Missouri to compete and win in today’s global economy, we continue to make education a priority.”
Students from Liberty have a large advantage with the A+ program, giving eligible students two year’s tuition to any Missouri community college. THIS makes higher education an option for many Liberty and Missouri students.
“You do the work, we pay the bill,” Nixon said, referencing the referencing the A+ program.
To be eligible for the program, students must meet academic achievement standards, conduct and attendance requirements, and perform 50 hours of tutoring or mentoring service.