Senioritis Outbreak

I firmly believe the only difference between a senior in high school and a senior citizen are the thrift store discounts.
I’m at a time in my life where all I want to do is listen to Led Zeppelin, play video games and pet my dog; possibly all at once. It wasn’t always like this, however, in fact I just recently developed the legendary “senioritis.”
Most of my effort this school year has been fighting off senioritis. I told myself as long as there is a white moon and a yellow sun I will not succumb to senioritis. Then I realized the sun is orange and the moon is more of a grayish color.
So, I will admit I have a mild case of senioritis, but it’s more like a senior allergy. I will do my work, it’s just a little bit harder to get motivated than usual. It’s like walking across a street, but for some reason the road is made of tar.
For some classes, I do not have one bit of senioritis, newspaper is the best example. I want to do my work and I do my work quickly and efficiently, not just to get it done, but because I want to. I’m not writing this column just because I have to, but because I want to. Also, I make our spotlight pages and make pages to be published in the Liberty Tribune pages every month, and I have not shown any signs of slowing down. To further my case, I wrote this column two weeks before it was due, which is very ironic.
Being a motivated senior is just as difficult as walking up a greased slide. When people say that twelfth grade is a piece of cake, they are wrong. Sure, some people may find it easy, but many of us find it to be a real struggle. Seeing the goal in sight makes it hard to focus on everything else, even if we don’t know what lies after that line.
Even though I have senioritis, I will continue to fight it and make sure it does not get any worse. I also know that many other seniors feel the same and will continue to jump over any obstacles that get in the way of our goals. And just like senior citizens, we will continue to